Sunday, April 15, 2012

To dye for hair

The very first time I dyed my hair was at 13. I remember browsing through the beauty department with my mom and we both found this Chinese hair dye. It had an extensive color range and it was only around 15 pesos. I was floored so I begged my mom to buy me the hair dye. She said yes and we ended up buying two boxes: a chestnut shade and another box in golden brown. When I saw the results of dying my hair, I saw an immediate sparkle on my face, a sudden lift. I was lucky the dye looked naturally flattering on me, not fake and brassy. I started dying my hair since(I think the next dye I bought after that was in a flaxen shade...and it made me look so tisay ;D)

The last time I dyed my hair was last year. God. I remember hating that dye job so much. I initially thought the dye I bought would make my hair lighter, but it did the opposite. Good thing it faded quickly because I seriously look so morose in dark hair.

I've been dye-free for months now and seriously want to dye my hair again. Ugh. Decisions, decisions. Let's look at some choices, shall we?

I've always wanted to dye my hair ombré. It screams "I-haven't-re-dyed-my-hair-in-ten-years-and-now-roots-are-showing". So me talaga.

I've thought of going to blonde route and while I think I might get reprimanded once school goes back, I'll still have a ton of fun while I'm at it(blondes do have more fun diba lol).

Forget how I lost it when I dyed my hair darker than my natural hair color; ever since Rooney Mara sported jet-black locks, I wanna piece of it on my hair, too. Bonus: Ultra dark hair is perfect for pulling Sadako pranks on people when you put your black locks over your face.

Ever since I saw this picture in a fashion spread, I totally want to have neon green highlights. Parang lang may sipon sa hair.

Hmmmm.....ano Kaya mas bagay sa akin sa apat. Ang hirap magpakulay ng buhok.


  1. Dream ko magkaron ng ombre, so I vote for the first pic. Bagay sa summer.

    Atleast pag pasok mo sa school, you can trim the tips na lang.

  2. It's so hard to go ombre! I see a lot of girls in the mall have ombre hair but it's nothing like Rumi Neely's(above) or Lily Aldridge(the pioneer of ombre). Parang naglagay lang ng bleach sa ends tas ganun. Di gradual ang kulay
