Friday, April 29, 2011

Your Outfit Looks Awfully Familiar....(Royal Wedding Edition

Kate Middleton

(Kate's wedding dress closely resembling that of Grace Kelly's)

Prince William

(Princess William's attire looking a whole lot like Cheryl Cole's number in her video "Fight For Love")

Prince Harry

(Prince Harry's outfit is reminiscent of his father Prince Charles on his wedding to Princess Di)

Queen Elizabeth II

(This picture says a lot)

Princess Eugenie

(Her hat a tiny bit similar to our beloved organ)

Something else looked pretty familiar, too

(Kate Middleton and Grace Kelly's wedding bouquet look awfully the same. In this angle they don't but in another angle they really do! SOBRA)

The first two pics and the one of the Queen are from Tumblr. :)

Them Royals Got Hitched Already :D

Guess who got married? :D

Don't they look like the cutest royal couple evah? They're now officially known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Kate's other title is Princess William of Wales but it's not like we're going to call her that. Kate is one of the most stunning brides I have ever seen. Look at that Sarah Burton(From the House of Mcqueen. Who knew?) dress! Twas love at first sight for me.

I also looked out for her makeup since there were reports that she was going to do her own face that day. She looked so far from a caked-on bride that had too much rouge. :D Beautiful. And her tiara--a Cartier one that was a gift to the Queen on her 18th birthday--was marvelous. AND SPARKLY!

Now that William is out of the market, everyone seems to be falling in love with Prince Harry now. It's funny that everyone is suddenly liking him more now. Before, if I'd say I like Harry(which I did, actually), they'd tell me Prince William had more looks. At least Harry has more hair diba? (Though I did notice a bald spot on the back of his head. Don't lose hair Harry plez). And who would forget the Nazi Costume? Yeah, but too bad I still liked him. Hehe

Harry with Kate's sis Pippa. I loooved her dress, too
And did anyone notice this little bridesmaid? Her name is Grace Van Cutsem. I feel bad for her;she's, like, the butt of jokes on Tumblr now since she's known as that frowning girl little girl in th wedding.(God, the names people are giving her. Why can't you guys STFU? She's 3 and she's overwhelmed by the crowds, okay?)

I have to make an admission about something: I hate weddings. But this one is one of those rare weddings that I wish I could attend. Besides the obvious( READ: THE WEDDING OF THE CENTURY) but it's a daytime English wedding. I've always wanted to attend one since I like to wear a weird hat for once without people telling mme that it's not Halloween. Paki nyo sa style ko. Look at Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie's hats. Honestly, the latter one's hat is the most ridiculous, but then, it's a British wedding. I lav et. :D (I also lovd her makeup! Gaaah!)

Not only do I want to attend the ceremony, I want to attend the evening celebration at the Buckingham Palace! Reports say the Queen won't be at the Buckingham Palace during the party, which is fitting because I heard it was outta control. Plus, another dress I fell in love with. I love the cardi! :D

I think Princess Diana will be proud of William on his wedding day. There are reports that there was an empty seat during the ceremony reserved for Diana. I bet her spirit was there so it isn't technically empty.


Funny story: While I was finishing this, suddenly there was a short brownout. Like something that was even less than 30 seconds. I was crushed because I was almost done with everything then something like that came up. Once the electricity came back, I turned on the computer and opened a new window. Thing is, it took ETERNITY for a window to open. Once it did, I went straight to Blogger. It also took me forever to log in since I typed my email wrong(oops)and the browser wasn't responding(ARGHHHH!!!!). After that long wait, I had to see if everything I typed for this entry was autosaved(because I don't trust my autosave. It acts like shit sometimes rather than an autosave)AND IT WAS! I prayed that God would not only save the Queen but this entry as well. He really did. GOD BLESS MY AUTOSAVE. :D :D :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Someone Toyed With Some Hair Color Today....

And she ended up looking like a brassy haired bitch rather than a red hot, uh, red head.

Why Blake Lively? Why the ugly color change? Whyyyyy?

When I saw this picture this morning, I was like, "Damn! It looks terrible!" But the more I look at this picture, the more I'm digging this look though I'm still on the Blonde Blake bandwagon. Maybe she dyed her hair for a role that requires her to be a ginger, perhaps? Will she play an Irish version of Serena Van Der Woodsen? Will she play a 5 foot 10 leprechaun? I'm having a Detective Conan moment here... o_O

I hope she goes back to blonde soon. I mean, she looks better blonde. Everyone looks better blonde(at least, when you are really born with golden hair. Why dye it in a shade that looks like Royal?). But I still cross my fingers on seeing her a brunette someday....and maybe combing her hair a bit. :D (LOL. Miss Lively, I love your signature beach hair, okay? I loved it so much that I attempted it before by making a homemade salt spray but ended up looking like someone who got caught in a mob even though I thought I looked fantastic then. I regret doing that fangirl move but somehow will plan to perfect beach hair soon)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Late Movie Review. :D

Last Good Friday, my Dad made my siblings and I watch the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon. The movie is about the life of St. Francis of Assisi. I remember how my siblings and I really didn't want to watch it but what the heck. I thought the movie was going to be boring and long(it's 122 minutes long :O).

And guess what? The three of us stuck to those 2 hours and 2 minutes. I personally won't watch the film again not unless necessary, but the film was made well. A lot of the shots were really breathtaking! And if you want to know the plot, you guys would rather much check this movie out. :)

Although this biopic is more on the drama side, in some weird way, I found a ton of things in the movie pretty funny like every time Francesco's friends(who are also wealthy and spoiled like what Francesco used to be)would turn to him one by one. It's kinda amazing actually because Francesco was able to influence these guys(and boy, how easily influenced they are!). He was also able to make Clare(Yes. THE Clare. As in St. Clare of Assisi)follow him and his way of life, too.

What I drag about this movie is that during the first parts of the film, instead of some guy who finally seems more devout to his faith than ever before, he came off as a madman. I am not putting down the story, okay? It's just how the scenes were made and how the actor(Graham Falkner) portrayed Francesco in them although you can't blame how them since during those first parts, Francesco was recovering from a feverish illness.

I applaud Graham Faulkner's performance as Francesco. This was his first and greatest performance during his career as an actor. I wonder why actors and actresses during the 70's--no matter how great they are--just suddenly disappear out of the spotlight after only a handful of films. I wonder what they are up to now...

One More thing:
I ate these while watching the movie. Technically, these were kinda like my dessert after eating a kung pao dish for dinner.I rediscovered just how good Chubby is. I used to buy this a lot almost two years ago then I just stopped. I dunno why. But they're goooood. I also ate those Super Sticks that are Tutti Frutti flavored during the movie, too.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Need These Shoes AS IN NOW NA

It's been quite some time since I've done a fashion related post. haha. :)

I have lusted so many designer shoes as the seasons go by but one of the only ones that I still love even if every season designers showcase lavish footwear will always be these Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120 Black Patent Pump

5 inch heel and absolutely no platform, these are sex kitten shoes. As painful as they look to walk in(and by the looks of it, it is), I will purchase these shoes someday if I could afford dropping $500+ dollars just for a painful pair of stilettos. Sure, there are other Pigalle colors and styles(there's even a style--Pigalle Plato--that has a 0.5 platform in it), but never have I been so obsessed with a plain black pair. It's too perfect, I tell ya.

I love the YSL Tribtoo Pumps, too, but in some way, when worn, it just isn't as hot looking as the Pigalle 120.

I remember every time I see a celeb wearing the shoes of my dreams(either the Pigalles of the Tribtoos or any designer kicks I am in love with at the moment),I often would be so gigil and say I love that girl's shoes. But my Mom--being practical--thinks that it's ridiculous to own a 50,000 peso shoe in this country where people are starving and don't have homes. Maybe spending a million pesos on a bag IS ridiculous(YES, CROCODILE SKIN HERMES BIRKIN BAG--I'M REFERRING TO YOU!) but I don't mind having a closet full of designer shoes but of course, just as long I also help the people in need, too. Money is money no matter how small the amount is or big. I think the Pigalle 120 pumps--though pricey--would be a worthy investment to me in my opinion. An alligator skin bag just won't cut it....or is it crocodile? I quite forgot. :P

This Hermes Bag is worth a whopping 64,000 benjamins. Why, you ask? Besides the crocodile's largest organ used in the bag, the bag's clasp has 10 carat diamonds.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Matter of Age

I was having a chat on the phone with my best friend Bea a while back and I remember she mentioned something about how I take a person's age seriously.

"You are the only person I ever met who is so into age," she said.

I laughed but it is true. Not long ago, this guy popped up in my life but I always had a problem with his age--or more specifically, the amount of time he was born after me. I've always liked guys who were at least a year older than me and more often than not a few years more than that but my friend pointed out that I had a problem with this certain guy just because he was born two days after my birthday. XDD

I remember how she told me that though. "You would like guys two-three years your senior but you won't like this guy just because he's two days younger than you" XDDD. God. I did see the sillyness of that but that's just me, okay?

So why is age a factor to me? Simple: I dunno. XDD. Maybe because we all grew up thinking that with age comes maturity which is true, BTW. The more years you have in your age, the more maturity you have except we all know that law doesn't really apply to boys since they take longer to mature(I clearly typed BOYS and not men okay).

It seemed a bit weird in a way sometimes when you like someone who's a year younger than you but actually isn't. I think of it this way sometimes; I'm born in the year 1994 and the guy was born in 1995 when actually that guy was born a few months after I first entered this world(Take note I am using my old crush as an example. HA!). It's one thing if the guy was born in 1995 and his birth date is waaaay beyond mine(like anything after October 15, if you ask me); that's already a year young. Even if the guy is just a few months younger than me, some people I know will still find it a bit scandalous when I tell them the dude was born in 1995 while I was born in 1994.

In this teenage society I have to live in, being younger than the guy you like is kinda taboo. A lot of people are open minded about semi-cougar love these days though I still remember the shock my friends had when I told them I liked this guy who was around my sister's age(mga two years my junior). When you think about it then, I was 14 who's clearly crushing on a 12 year old. If they just knew he wasn't some short, scrawny totoy type. He's actually the opposite of that. Haaaay. XDD

In the end, age will always matter to me(halata naman di ako papatol sa 75 year old o sa 6 years old) but personality will always count, too.What's the point if I like someone who's older than me but his attitude is just blah and awful? It doesn't always equally mean the younger guys will be better than the older men after I say that, though. It's just every guy is different just as we girls are, too. I care about age, yes, but I am not blinded by it so much that I don't notice his character and attitude. Somehow, personality will always be more important regardless of the year the dude was born in. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Real Cause of AJ's Death

Oh dear Lord. There were even reports that his face was "wasak na wasak" after the accident happened. God. Ang lakas naman ng impact. Why did a young boy have to pass away so soon? He was only 18.

My prayers are with him and his family.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

RIP, AJ Perez

I remember having a bit of a crush on AJ Perez back during his Abt Ur luv Ur Lyf days. Look how young he looked. I think he was around 13 when he was first cast on the show.

I mean, I just did. Because it was a rarity then to have teen stars around his age(13) when most TV stations would cast 20 somethings on teen shows most of the time. It helped also that he was kinda cute. :''>

Fast forward 2010-2011, his star was rising when he was cast as one of the male leads of Sabel.

On April 16 2011 at around 11:40, his van got into an accident while overtaking a truck and bumped into a bus. AJ was pronounced dead on arrival at around 12:20 this morning due to multiple head injuries. He was reportedly sleeping when the accident took place, his head leaning in the window which was on the side where the van got hit by the bus. The other people with him in the van got injured but none met the same fate AJ did.

It's so sad. He was a rising star of 18 and he had an untimely death.

So the news of his death got everybody shocked. I mean, this was the first thing that greeted me this morning right after I woke up. When I already logged in to my Tumblr account, I instantly saw the news of his death there. Of course being the person who likes to make sure, I, erm, had to make sure if this rumor was not true but unfortunately it was. Nakakalungkot naman. I am not a huge fan of his but I did like him.

My friend actually cried(that was what she said) because of his demise. "Panu kaya kung mamamatay si Elmo Magalona?" Girl, wag kang nega. :P

A member of Teentalk said that she watched in a New Year episode of some show on GMA that someone predicted a young actor would be killed in a car accident this year. OMG. There are people also saying that it must be the Lasallian curse. I've heard others saying that AJ's death is very similar to that of Rico Yan and Marky Cielo who also died while sleeping.

This was AJ's last tweet. Boy, I bet no one suspected that it would be the last one the actor will make:

Rest in peace, AJ Perez and condolences to his family and friends who are in mourning

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ako na short

It's unusual for me to talk about insecurities because I'm not an overly insecure person and also because I have too much pride to admit so. Just because I'm like that doesn't mean I don't get insecure once in a while.

Like every other girl, I have insecurities. I have insecurities about my body and face. I hate my nose. I hate that I'm not as slender as I'd like to be. I hate that my arms are flabby(actually, my arms are thin but if you have a sister who has athletic shoulders even though she doesn't play sports anymore will definitely make you insecure. haha). I hate that my eyes are not as close-set as my Mom's(God, her eyes are gorgeous!). I'm kinda insecure about my intellect, too because I always wonder whenever I talk to a person if they ever find me dumb.

But these things could always change. If I exercise and stay on a healthy diet, I could be a bit thinner(and it's a good thing it's in my genes, too). Arm exercises could do wonders to a flabby arm. Makeup contouring will do the trick for a bulby nose and surgery if I want something more drastic(hey, I'm not against it! haha!). Dark eyeshadow on the inner corners of my eyes will miraculously make them as if my eyes are not as far-set in the first place. And smarts....well...I nosebleed people too much. XD

But I have this insecurity that I never mentioned above and it's one that could never change: MY HEIGHT. Gaaaah

I don't love my height. I'm between 5'2 and 5'3. Sure, most Filipinos are actually below that height but I am still generally short. I know heels could help, but then even lots of taller ladies wear heels thus making me wave a white flag in the "Who's Taller?" competitions I always run into whenever I'm out of the house(In short: I could never compete with a stranger who's really taller than me even if I wear heels).

If being short is stressing enough, not wearing all the fashions out there is a bummer, too. I can't even wear my own jeans without folding the hem just so I won't have to drag excess fabric every time I walk.

Also, I dragged about my height because most jobs and careers today--ugh. May height requirement. I CALL THAT DISCRIMINATION! XDD. LOL. But it makes sense why some jobs like being a stewardess requires you to be taller than 5'3. But good thing that since the kinda of career path I want doesn't really require a certain height to apply.

I've always wondered if I stopped growing. Some people say I already did(I'm 16). Others say I will continue till I'm 18 and others also say that I will stop growing two years after my first period(so I stopped growing at 13?? o_O). But the best explanation of all is it really depends on the person if he/she will stop growing or not because every person has different genes and nutrition and rest intake.

But if ever there's a chance for me to get taller, that would be great.I've drank vitamins and milk every day to no drastic avail. But a part of me will always be okay with being in my height. Why you ask? Simple: THE HOLLYWOOD STARS! HAHAHA! It's kinda shallow but it did give me comfort that there are these amazing Hollywood celebs who are just around my height like Sarah Jessica Parker(5'3), Rachel Bilson (5'2) and Eva Longoria (5'1). It's a long list actually but seriously, I never thought SJP was petite! Must depend on a person's body proportions because I remember a friend of mine being so shocked that I was really short because she always thought I was tall(lagi naman naka-heels eh)and she says parang I look tall daw. haha.

I'm kinda happy also about my height in a way because I'm taller than the world's most famous oompa loompa: SNOOKI. >:D

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Angus, Songs and Aaron Johnson

I have a mobee review! :D

I first watched this flick a few weeks ago and God, I can't stop thinking about it! I still watch it whenever I have time to surf in Youtube. The title of this movie is Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. I don't recall laughing as much as I did ever since I watched this movie

I won't say what the plot's about because you should seriously catch this film to find out! It maybe just another teen flick, but i personally think it's one of the best. Not only that--IT'S AN ENGLISH FILM! XDD. Meaning this could cause a serious case of trying to speak in an English accent after watching the movie. I love the protagonist, Georgia Nicholson(played by Georgia Groome). She's kinda annoying but well, she's the most realistic heroine in a teen film I've watched in a long time. This movie has some of the best one liners, too!Like, "Is it Zitney Spears or what?" (When Georgia's bestfriend, Jas, had a zit) or, "Have you bought your ticket to Vulgaria yet?" (When Georgia saw Jas wearing thongs when they were dressing up in the locker room). XDDDD. It's classic. I wish I know other English teen films. I think they could rival the unrealistic ones those bloody Yanks make. (Kidding!)

Its soundtrack is pretty good, too. Some faves: "She's so Lovely" by Scouting for Girls (it was played during the opening when Georgia was running away dressed in a cocktail olive costume); the ubiquitous Peter, Bjorn and John song "Young Folks"; and "Toothpaste Kisses" by The Maccabees. But my ultimate fave--"Dance Wiv Me" by Dizzee Rascal which was played during a party scene in the mid-part of the film--isn't included in the soundtrack, though.

BONUS: AARON JOHNSON. I agree with Georgia who calls Robbie(Johnson's character) a sex god--HE IS GORGEOUS AND IS DEFINITELY A SEX GOD! HAHAHA! :''>

ta ta for now. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thanks to Beam/bdss40 of dontshutupnow, I was finally able to give my blah blog a makeover! But when I mean blah, I meant the background, template and the wallpaper. My writing is far from blah. XDD. If you think it is, FUCK YOU

It was funny nga when I tried revamping. On my first try, I gave up after only a few seconds(I WAS USING AN iTOUCH THEN, AFTER ALL! EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO SEE AND READ WAS SO TINYYYYY). But good thing I was able to use a PC so I could finally give my blog a makeover.

I'm not sure if I want to have some background music for my blog but if you have any suggestions about or anything regarding to this blog transformation, the comment box is just below this article. :D

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Confirmed Hunger Games Main Characters

I love Josh Hutcherson. I sincerely do and I’m a fan. But it was a bit disappointing that they chose him over Alexander Ludwig to play Peeta Mellark. I really wanted Alexander Ludwig for Peeta. He’s a great actor and he’s blonde and blue eyed and tall and it’s about time for him to have another movie and something that would make him a superstar to that. Dark haired Josh just has name power but he’s also a great actor. I will only watch THG for him. Lionsgate already screwed everything up. I liked that they chose someone who’s really a teen for Peeta and they should’ve done the same to the other characters. One thing though is Josh is 5’7. Jennifer Lawrence is 5’7. Isn’t that awkward? o.O Movie magic might be put here to make Josh look taller and hair color magic will be put on Josh’s hair to make it blonde. XDD

Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth

AND HERE’S ANOTHER ONE: LIAM HEMSWORTH FOR GALE?? God, no. The shortlist for Gale wasn’t even good in the first place(DAVID HENRIE?? :X).


Monday, April 4, 2011


Check her out. :D

She's a newbie. Please do so. She's amazing :D

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Songs I'm Loving Right Now

Almost every day, new songs are played on the radio and on the internet. Some are nice while others are disappointing. It's like as the years go by, music seems to get more....well, I don't know. Maybe not as memorable as the music of the yesteryears. It's just a shame. After all, anyone can be famous now even though you sing really bad(Yes, you, Rebecca Black). But I'd like to think that music these days is a bit promising because there's a whole variety to choose from and if you're smart enough, you won't stop to listen to Friday when you know there are much better stuff out there.

Anyway, these are the songs I'm currently liking now. I know. Most of these stuff came around the Friday first surfaced and I still thin it's sad that new songs that are wicked don't get as much recognition. Let's start with my current LSS list, okay?

1.Tonight, Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae

God, I love thissss. I just discovered it a few weeks ago on the internet radio and it's the band's first single for 2011. And here's a trivia: vocalist Nash Overstreet is the brother of Chord Overstreet! OMG! ASKJAKJDKLDJKLJDKJJ. I DIE, LITERALLY. XDD. But this song is fun and the lyrics are clever. Try to check it out. :D

2.Bipolar Baby by Forever the Sickest Kids

This song is from the band's new self-titled album. I've been a fan FTSK for quite some time now and if you're a fan, too then you better take a spin of this. It's rad. It's just as awesome as their other older songs

3.I Wanna Be Adored by The Raveonettes

This is a cover of the Stone Roses classic and it's just as great. Maybe a bit too much like the original but the only edge in this cover is that it's sung by a girl. For me, it's one of those rare revivals that sound just as good as the original or maybe even better. :D

4.Turn it Up by Pixie Lott

Discovered this while listening to the internet radio, too. And it's funny because this song was from 2009 and god, I should've discovered it earlier because I like Pixie Lott even though I'm not really a fan. It's a great song especially when you need to move on from someone(like someone I know who needs to. :P hahaha). It's a great song to dance with your girl friends while bashing the person you once loved. Hahahaha

5.Backseat by New Boyz feat The Cataracs and Dev

This song is perfection. I think it's the fact that Dev is in the song(HUGE fan of hers) but whatever, this song is genius. I love listening to it. A great song to party to.

6.E.T. by Katy Perry feat Kanye West

I have to tell the truth: The first time I heard this song I hated it. I never thought it would be a hit. But the one I heard before sounded a bit different than the one they play now(hello, I don't remember Kanye West rapping the first time I heard the song). I'm hooked to this song now although the music vid scared the shit out of me

7.Bow Chicka Wow Wow by Mike Posner

Another song I hated the first time I heard it. But I like this song now, okay? I like the way it was arranged musically. Gee...took quite a few listens just to appreciate this song. XDD

8.When Strangers Fall in Love by Dev

I only heard a snippet of this song since they haven't launched the full song yet but God, I am in love with this song. Is it me or Dev's songs seem to be underrated? Seriously, she has cool songs and I hate that only one(Bass Down Low)is a hit. Please, dapat lahat na hit.

Okay so that's about it on my current hot music radar. Check them all out and if by soem chance you already know some of them, then you have good taste. XDD. LOL Kidding! hahahaha. Hyper ako ngayon.