Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One of the Best Super Bowl Commercials EVAAHH.

120 million Americans stayed up last Sunday Night for the Super Bowl XLV. If you think that number isn't staggering enough, an estimated 1 BILLION people watched the Super Bowl worldwide.

Because of this, sponsors pay big bucks(3 Million bucks, that is) for a commercial in the Super Bowl. If you know that someone payed 3 Mil just for 30 seconds during the Super Bowl Commercial break, you oughta expect it to be good. I think the Volkswagen "The Force" commercial was one of the best I've seen so far:

I think this commercial joins in the ranks of those memorable Super Bowl commercials like the Snickers commercial last year with Betty White and the Doritos "House Rules". Seriously, it's awesome and cute and it's a silent commercial yet it just speaks so much.

The kid from "The Force" commercial unmasked his identity recently and what a cute kid he is. :''>. His name is Max Page and he could pass as Meg Ryan's son but at the same time still manages to look freakishly like Luke Skywalker :O

May the force be with him. :)

I also kinda liked Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne for Best Buy commercial. I don't like it as much as ''The Force'' but if a teen heartthrob is poking fun at himself in front of a billion people, what's not to like? The last line was a win for me:

"I don't know. Kinda looks like a girl". That line + Justin Bieber saying it= WIN!!!!

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