Friday, July 27, 2012

What The...?

How could a girl go from this...

To this?

 Her name is Courtney Stodden. What makes this girl a bit worthy for me to write about is that this girl is only 17 YEARS OLD. Yes. She is 17 and trotting around like a porn star. I know Taylor Momsen gets backlash for dressing similarly, but at least I love her and she isn't a baby bride.

"Seriously. What's the big deal about how I dress anyway?"

 If the evolution of her looks wasn't shocking enough, she is actually married to a guy 34 YEARS her senior. Gah. These pictures speak for themselves.

 Apparently, her parents gave their consent when she got married at 16. If that is not quetionable enough then I don't know what is. Call me crazy, but if her parents allow it and if it was abide the law, well, good for this chick to get married at 16.

 But still, it is kinda weird to be a parent and see your kid make out like this let alone if she's still a teenager.

 Great. More reasons to question the kids of my generation. :P

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