Saturday, January 14, 2012



I know, I know. Lipas na ang dalawang linggo since New Year entered, but better late than never, diba?

So anyways, with 2012 now here, people are worried that it's the end of the world and shit. I mean, yeah, with the conditions of the world and all, the worst could possibly happen.

But I would die(literally and figuratively--but more on the former) if this world ends. I HAVE YET TO EXPLORE MY LIFE. I WANT TO EXPERIENCE IT ALL. I NEED TO FINISH THINGS OFF MY BUCKET LIST. HECK, I HAVEN'T EVEN MADE A BUCKET LIST YET!

I want to be alive so I could graduate school and wear that weird hat and poncho on graduation day. I want to be alive so I could have my dream career which I am not decided on yet because I am as fickle as pickle. I want to be alive so I could prove all the people who hated on me now in high school feel sorry for their own asses when I'm filthy rich. I want to be alive so I could have my dream shoe closet filled I want to be alive so I could witness my absolute-boy-hater sister marries her future life partner who I am adamant will be a boy. I want to be alive when absolute-girl-hater(?) brother will marry his future life partner who I am adamant will be Dakota Fanning. I want to be alive so I could see what my future kids look like AND their kids. Hehehehe. A lot I want to experience, actually. And there'll be more as time goes by.

But Scientist say(and we should believe what they say because they are technically third in command after God/Allah/Buddha/Flying Spaghetti Monster and whoever makes the law in the country you live in) that the world will end BILLIONS OF YEARS FROM NOW. By then, I'll be dust.

But that doesn't mean you have to live life as slow paced as possible. Just because what the nerds say is arguably correct doesn't mean you have no excuse to get out there with your life now. Whether the end tomorrow or a kajillion centuries from now, your time in the planet is something that isn't accounted at all, not even by Scientists and God could just pull out your existence here in any moment. So live your life to the fullest each and every day. Try to give in to that last slice of cake. You'll never know if it will really be your last.

So tell those Incas to kiss their asses and Jay Sean to shut the fuck up about 2012 being the end of the world because ironically, according to Jay Sean, "IT AIN'T THE END OF THE WORLD" :D

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