Tuesday, June 14, 2011

RIP....uh....Nameless Hamster

Sorry if I haven't written a post in a loooong time.

So just hours ago, my sister's hamster died. She has four and since one died, there's only three left now. Hahaha. Feeling math problem.

Okay, this is what happened.

We were still awake at 2 in the morning. I was just surfing the net in my iTouch until I heard my sister shouting and crying that her hamster is dead. Since I'm only a meter beside her, I asked how did she know and she says that her hamster isn't moving or breathing.

He looks like he was asleep but you know, knowing my sister's hamsters, they easily wake up if you touch them. This time, this hamster didn't wake up. He was dead. His body is gray and cold and his stench is reeking. My sister couldn't even dare look at his face(his death face: eyes partially closed and mouth hanging open. That image will never escape my mind until now).

I feel bad for my sister. She loves her hamsters, Even if I don't, I still do only because I have to. It's a good thing my sister never suspected I killed her hamster(unlike my bestfriend whose new nickname for me is probably "Murderer"). I think he died in his sleep since he was in his usual sleeping position(my sister's hamsters sleep on their backs LOL).

It's sad. I see my sister and she keeps telling herself that she feeds that hamster regularly naman and takes care of him well. She's probably trying to assure herself that she didn't do anything wrong. She told me she knew her hamster was becoming weak these days so every time she feeds her hamster and makes dede(as in makes them drink water and not what you're probably thinking. You're so green, grabe), she usually does it to him first.

And guess what?? I tried showing her other hamsters the body of their beloved cagemate and they acted like they don't care. Hmmm.....potential suspects for his death? or are they just plain clueless like most hamsters? We may never know.(I'm rooting for the latter but I still think it's insensitive of them not to show any remorse. I mean, I've been mean to her hamsters but at least I paid my respects when he died, right?)

We've always joked to my sister about her not giving her pets names because we told her that when they die, they will have a nameless grave just because they didn't have a name to begin with. So now, one of her hamsters died and he has no name(heck, I'm not sure if he's even a he!). So....RIP, NAMELESS HAMSTER.

Random: My sister also shouted over another thing yesterday. It's not because of her hamster but it was because she saw a big ass spider. When she showed me the spider, I expected it to be ssomething smaller but nooooo--IT WAS HUGE. IT WAS AS BIG AS MY HANDS. I'm finding pictures of it on Google and it looks exactly like this

And guess what? It's called a Giant House Spider and some house spiders are dangerous. Probably another potential murderer of my sister's hamster?

Also, my bestfriend wrote about the hamster's death, too. It's hilarious. Check it out


  1. Nakaka-curious ang bahay mo, may mutated family of roaches--and now, super big spider.

  2. Hahaha. The one with the cockroaches, that was in our old house(but seriously, you don't forget stuff like that! haha). I hope I don't see that spider again though.

  3. It's not a problem when you see the spider, it's a problem when it disappears. Go murder :P

  4. XDD. OMG natawa ako(at the same time natakot hehe)
